Wednesday, September 13, 2017

HW #2: Rethinking the Way We Sit Down

In this video, Niels talks bout how as a child, he fell in love with airplanes.  He explained how there was a certain "romance" about them, meaning that there was a factor of airplanes that truly made him happy.  Unfortunately, getting a job in the field of airplanes allowed him to discover that he did not feel the same about airplanes that he once had felt before.  The romance was gone, so he quit and went into the field of furniture since he spent a lot of time designing the interior of airplanes.  In turn, he designed a chair to conform to the human body that creates comfort for people so they do not have to keep adjusting themselves due to discomfort.  He designed this chair to have a headrest for cranium support and to recline a certain way so too much pressure is not put on a person's tailbone while sitting for extended periods of time.  The chair was designed with the same materials as bicycle seats so the weight of the person is evenly distributed throughout the chair to avoid eventual pain due to elongated periods sitting.

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