1. My computer experience includes Adobe Illustrator 4 and 6 (more familiar with 4), Paint.net, and Adobe Photoshop 6. I took Computer Graphics 1 in High School as well as Digital Paint II, where we took our Photoshop creations and transferred them onto objects such as rocks, animal skulls, glass, metal, etc. I also have computer experience with more general things like gaming, file management, and internet use, but I do not think it relates to this class.
2. I personally hope to be able to sharpen my art skills with graphic design and photoshopping to somewhat professional ability.
3. (Skipped)
4. I used these programs in tenth and eleventh grade (2014-2016 during school time).
5. I do have a computer at home, my brother's iMac has Adobe Photoshop 5, but not Adobe Illustrator.
6. I used both.
7. I am not a Visual Studies major, but I am a Graphic Design major.
8. I personally hope to excel with my major beyond college and to get into designing logos, signs or entertaining images for public locations and or for websites.
9. My favorite artist would probably have to be Leonardo Da Vinci because I appreciate the mystery he portrays in his paintings.
10. My favorite musician is Brian Height.
11. I have been an airbrush artist for six years and I paint murals in my house.
12. Way back in 2008, I discovered a website called ROBLOX.com with my brother. There was this membership called Builder's Club, so we begged my mom to buy it for us because it allowed us to design clothing for the avatars. When I got the membership, I created clothes nonstop on MS Paint, but I made them really badly and ended up terminating my account. My mother banned me from ever playing again when I was ten for this reason, so I decided to just draw cartoon characters on Paint.net for the heck of it. Eight years later, I am sitting in a Computer Graphics class all because of that one website. I would have never known how much I love graphic art if I did not start playing it!
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