Monday, November 27, 2017


Company Name: "Life In the Aquarium"

Mission Statement: Don't just buy your fish -- get to know them!

Purpose: To allow customers to interact with Aquatic life and to also purchase Aquatic life as well.

Store: Half aquarium, half retail.

Audiences: Middle-aged adults (because of their kids) and retired elderly.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Homework #6 ?

In graphic design, there are classified must-know rules for success within a design.  These rules were established to help with visual and emotional appeal to an audience.  When creating an image, it is key to remember font consistency in a design, what colors not to mix, common sense, what is supposed to stand out in the image, and even making sure that the designer is using the appropriate combinations of colors/characters/symbols for his or her target audience.  Quality is another important factor to consider, which includes vectors versus pixels and ensuring that no parts of the image are stretched out of proportion. Using guide tools (such as a grid) makes a significant difference in instilling the proper alignment of an image.  All of these design tactics are very important to consider, but I personally believe that the most significant tactic is design originality.  Consider the designs of others, reflect certain styles in your own work, but be a leader; not a follower.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Homework #5: Mystery Box Video

In this video, Abrams spoke about how significant the concept of mystery was to him ever since he was a child.  He told a story of a time that he went to a magic store and bought a "mystery box" but has never opened it.  In a sense, he is saying that some things are better off left as a mystery in life; he also explained how everything in life has a mystery box of some sort, especially in movies.  In every movie, you do not know what you will open up to see inside of the box; sometimes, the meaning runs deeper than what the actual plot seems to be conveying on the surface.  All plots make up a concept, hence all items in a box make up a mystery.